List your event and sell tickets in minutes

Over 3.1M tickets sold in 600 cities globally.

Free to list events and free events use our platform for free.

Sell tickets directly from your own website with no redirect.

Manage everything seamlessly from our dashboard and onsite app.

Experience unmatched flexibility and customization.

Alexandra Ames
Sr. Marketing Manager, TechCrunch
"Thanks to Universe’s integrations we were able to push our data over effortlessly. Selling tickets directly on our site provided a seamless experience that allowed our branding to shine through, resulting in fewer drop-offs and more sales!"
Fast and Efficient
Start selling tickets instantly
Define your basic event details and start selling tickets the same day.
Universe Enterprise
Universe Enterprise
Plan and execute flawlessly
Manage all your event details including attendees, payments, and payouts from our dashboard.
Reach your fans anywhere
Sell direct online or on-site at your event with our BoxOffice app.
At-the-door sales

At-the-door sales

No more redirects

No more redirects

Seamless Integration

How it works
Tell us about your events
Upload your content
Use your unique code to sell tickets anywhere
Make your event live and earn money today
Tell us about your events
Upload your content
Use your unique code to sell tickets anywhere
Make your event live and earn money today
Together we can make your next event the best one yet.
No credit card required.
Create an event