Spring Boot Advanced 2 - AOP & Security
Im Gewerbepark 29
Im Gewerbepark 29, 92681 Erbendorf, Deutschland
This course is for you
If you are looking for a job
College Project
You want to build your own API and sell them
You want a promotion in your current company
You want to innovate in your office work
You want to turn into Microservice Architect
Course Description
In this course you will learn about Spring Boot AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) by building an Auditing System for Employee Management API’s. Then you will also learn about how to implement Form Based Security with In-Memory and Database Based Authentication and Principal Role Based Authorization for Spring Boot Application.
What you will be able to do after completing this course
You will be able to write code using Spring Boot AOP that will allow auditing, rate limiting and many more things as innovative as you can get
You will be able to design frameworks by using Spring Boot AOP
You will be able to Implement Form Based Authentication for your Spring Boot Applications
You will be able to implement Principal and Role Based Authorization for your Spring Boot based RESTful API’s
You will be able to use MicroStream for storing and retrieving java objects to and from the local file system