NEVER BEEN SLIMED!: My Adventures in the Paranormal-- with Loyd Auerbach
335 E 14th St
335 E 14th St, New York, NY 10009, USA
New York
Join us, as world-renowned parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach shares his experiences in and around Parapsychology--his 43-year work as a field investigator of apparitions, hauntings, and poltergeists (including some of his most intriguing cases), and his work with psychics and mediums.
He'll also touch on the topics of some of the books he has authored, or co-authored, including ESP Wars: East & West, about the legendary psychic spy programs in the U.S. and Russia.
Join us to learn:
~ What are the dangers of paranormal research?
~ Can ghosts really move objects or do harm to people?
~ What does it take to be a serious ghost-hunter?
~ Was there really a government-sanctioned psychic program in the US? A psychic arms race?
~ Have psychics had an influence over politics and decisions in the US?
Loyd will also talk about the organizations he’s been/is involved in, such as the Forever Family Foundation and the Rhine Research Center. He’ll also touch on his parallel career in magic and psychic entertainment (he performs as mentalist Professor Paranormal).
About Loyd Auerbach:
World-recognized paranormal expert and parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach, MS., has 43 years of investigating the paranormal and over 40 years teaching courses in Parapsychology.
With thousands of media appearances, he is Director of the Office of Paranormal Investigations, President of the Forever Family Foundation, an Adjunct Professor at Atlantic University, and is on the Board of Directors of the Rhine Research Center where he teaches online Parapsychology courses through their Education Center.
He’s the author/co-author of 9 books on the paranormal for the general public including ESP Wars: East & West, Psychic Dreaming, and ESP, Hauntings and Poltergeists: A Parapsychologist’s Handbook.
He is also co-author of the paranormal mystery novel Near Death (with the 2nd in the series coming before the end of the year).
Loyd is also a professional mentalist and Past President of the Psychic Entertainers
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NEVER BEEN SLIMED! with Loyd Auerbach, 10/29/22 1:00 pm EST