Mother of pearl M.O.P
Alea Kay
Vancouverstraat, 1056 DW Amsterdam, Netherlands
North Holland
A 5 week program starting January 2nd with a 20 min daily guided meditation for your mornings and a weekly song for the end of the day. We have weekly Zoom calls, with co-created songs, a meditation, sharing and guidance. Every week there is a lot of extra curriculum with nutritional advice and various classes and extra videos and tips and teachings. Everybody in the course receives their own personal soulsong in one of the 5 weeks!
* Week 1 : Connect to yourself, body, mind, heart, soul through repeating a daily guided meditation and a song
* Week 2 : Connect to mother earth, the mother of earthly life through repeating a daily guided meditation and a song
* Week 3 : Connect to life around you, visible and invisible through repeating a daily guided meditation and a song
* Week 4 : Connect to the divine through repeating a daily guided meditation and a song
* Week 5 : Connect to your purpose
Extension after 5 weeks FREE!
* Week 6 - 8 optional collaboration with others in the M.O.P. community to create from your purpose and renewed connection