Futures First Gaming Esports League Spring 2021
300 M.L.K. Jr. Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19801, USA
Futures First Gaming presents a fun and competitive virtual Esports League featuring NBA 2K21 and Rocket League.
Season games will be broadcast on Twitch and are managed by Futures First Gaming.
You must be a member of the Futures First Gaming Discord Server - JOIN NOW AT https://discord.gg/bdxqFw2
Regular Season Begins Feb 15, 2021
Playoffs Begin on or about April 13, 2021
DISCORD: You must be a member of the Futures First Gaming Discord Server - JOIN NOW AT https://discord.gg/bdxqFw2
NBA 2K21
PLATFORM: The NBA 2K League will support play on Playstation 4 or Xbox One.
SERIES LENGTH: Matches are played as a best of 3 in the regular season, best of 5 in the playoffs and grand finals.
LOBBY: Prior to the match, players should add each other as friends on their consoles. The highest seeded player will create the lobby. The following settings are to be used in official matches:
Connection: Play With Friends
Quarter Length: 5 Minutes
Game Mode: Private Match
Game Style: Simulation
Fatigue: On
Injuries: Off
Difficulty: Hall of Fame
STOPPAGE OF PLAY & DISCONNECTION: Players may not at any point use the pause feature during game play. Each team is afforded a certain number of times outs during the match. A match can be reset if a player disconnects from a match as long as the following criteria are met:
The disconnection happens in the first 3 minutes of the First Quarter
The score difference is 15 or less
The player has not disconnected previously during the match
Any other disconnections or multiple disconnections will count as a loss for the disconnected player.
TEAM COMPOSITION: Only current teams may be used in official matches. The use of custom teams, all-star teams, all-time teams, and history teams are prohibited.
SCORE REPORTING: Players will be responsible for taking screenshots of the score and reporting them to tournament admins online in the official FFG discord. Improperly reported scores will not be counted.
Rocket League
PLATFORMS & CROSSPLAY: The League will, in accordance with Rocket League’s crossplay feature, support play on all consoles (including PC).
LENGTH: All regular season matches will be best of 5. Playoffs and grand finals will be best of 7.
LOBBY & SETTINGS: The home team will create the lobby. The away team will have choice of color, which will not change for the match duration. Default arena is DFH Stadium. Teams may change arena at any time, so long as both teams consent. The following arenas qualify for League play:
Champions Field
Champions Field (Day)
DFH Stadium
DFH Stadium (Day)
DFH Stadium (Stormy)
Mannfield (Night)
Mannfield (Snowy)
Mannfield (Stormy)
Neo Tokyo
Salty Shores
Starbase ARC
Urban Central
Urban Central (Dawn)
Urban Central (Night)
Utopia Coliseum
Utopia Coliseum (Dusk)
Utopia Coliseum (Snowy)
Wasteland (Night)
The following settings are to be used for all League matches:
Game Mode: Soccer
Arena: (Any arena from the aforementioned list)
Team Size: 3v3
Bot Difficulty: No Bots
Team settings: In accordance with sides chosen by away team. Colors should be set to default
Mutator Settings:
Preset Settings: Custom
Match Length: 5 minutes
Max Score: Unlimited
Overtime: Unlimited
Series Length: 5 games (if regular season); 7 games (if playoffs or finals)
Game Speed: Default
Ball Max Speed: Default
Ball Type: Default
Ball Physics: Default
Ball Size: Default
Ball Bounciness: Default
Ball Size: Default
Rumble: None
Boost Strength: 1x
Gravity: Default
Demolish: Default
Respawn Time: 3 seconds
Region: NA East
Joinable By: Name / Password (as determined by hosting team)
In the event of an incorrectly prepared match, the match should be stopped and reset. Any games played in an incorrect format will not count toward the series.
STOPPAGE OF PLAY: Should a player disconnect from the game less than 30 seconds into the match OR before the first shot on goal, the game will be restarted. If either events have occurred, the game will continue without restart.
PLAYER CHECK IN: Each team is required to provide a list of the 3 players that will be participating in the series’ matches before the lobby is created. Once the lobby has been created, no substitutions can be made.
SCORE REPORTING: Players will be responsible for taking screenshots of the score and reporting them to tournament admins online in the official FFG discord. Improperly reported scores will not be counted.
*By continuing to register you agree to be bound by FFG's official event terms and conditions as list on our website at https://www.futuresfirstgaming.com/terms-condition... Additionally you certify that if you are under the age of 16, you have received consent from a parent or guardian to participate in this event.
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