Creamfields Hong Kong 2018
Chek Lap Kok, Hong Kong
來自英國的國際知名派對品牌 Creamfields,去年帶著星級藝人陣容首度登陸亞洲的首站香港,為亞洲巡演打響頭炮,一連兩天的派對更在超過萬名粉絲的熱情歡呼聲下完美落幕!繼上屆得到樂迷鼎力支持後,今年香港 Creamfields 決定把舞台升級,於 12 月 15 (星期六) 及 16 日 (星期日) 載譽歸來,為大家送上更華麗的藝人陣容,再度蟬聯本地舞蹈音樂節皇者地位!
香港 Creamfields 2018 更多的藝人及場地消息即將公布,想知道更多資訊,可以關注以下網頁:
香港 Creamfields Facebook
香港 Creamfields Instagram
Live Nation Electronic Asia 官方網站
Live Nation Electronic Asia Facebook
Live Nation Electronic Asia Instagram
關於 Creamfields
Creamfields 是國際頂級音樂節,同時也是英國首屈一指的派對品牌。自1998年開始巡迴至今,Creamfields 一路上獲得了許多奬項,連續多年冠上「Best Dance Event」之名,並贏得了著名的年度音樂周獎項,揚名國際,令全球樂迷前往朝聖。Creamfields 的名氣成功引起了全球的關注,而足跡亦遍佈全球,包括歐洲、南美洲、北美洲、中東和大洋洲。在過去的幾年期間,Creamfields 吸引了全球超過 300 萬的樂迷參與,門票更於開賣後短時間內一掃而空。
2017 年是 Creamfields 成立 20 周年,並首次降臨亞洲以慶祝其盛事,而香港成為了亞洲的首站, 12 月 15 及 16 日於亞洲國際博覽館舉辦了本地史上最大型的兩天室內音樂節!其後更於翌日的 12 月 17 日踏足台灣,在台北大佳河濱公園舉行了首屆 Creamfields!Creamfields 的巨星陣容一直都融合不同風格的世界級表演者,去年參與過亞洲巡演的重量級人物包括有蟬聯三屆全球百大 DJ 冠軍的荷蘭舞蹈音樂教父 Tiësto、美國火紅神秘棉花糖 DJ Marshmello、英國 Trance 音樂天團 Above & Beyond、印度的舞蹈音樂創作鬼才 KSHMR 及 荷蘭舞蹈音樂二人組合 W&W 等等的實力派藝人,釋放出超強音樂能量。
繼上年活動成功舉行後,Creamfields 今年初首次引入中國內地市場,席捲廣州、成都及北京,廈門將於 9 月 22 日舉辦,開拓中國電音新紀元。香港及台灣載譽歸來,準備好舉辦第二屆的 Creamfields!
購票時必需提供持票者的真實姓名 (必需跟身份證或護照相同) 以及完整香港身份證或護照號碼;
每位購票者可購買最多 40 張門票;
於Universe 的購票者必須在入場時出示有效及有照片的身份證明文件或護照,並必須跟購票時在Universe所輸入的証明文件號碼相同,您可以把護照電腦高清掃描後,列印或儲存到個人隨身流動電話中,入場時可透過電話出示證件,如想更改電子門票上的個人資料,請參考:,QR code 一經使用或掃瞄後就不能更改資料,更正後請下載新的 QR code 入場;
場館範圍內不准進行未獲授權的攝影及錄音。觀眾進入場館前,須接受手提袋檢查。15 X 12吋以上手提袋、所有專業相機、GoPro、攝錄及錄音器材、矮凳/可折疊式座椅及長傘均禁止帶進場館。如有上述限制物品,請寄存於禮賓服務處或地下的自助儲物箱 ;
如有任何票務爭議,Live Nation Electronic Asia 保留最終決定權;
Creamfields, world's leading dance music festival series from UK, made its debut in Asia's first stop, Hong Kong last year with a star-studded lineup which made a splash in the local history of dance music festival. Following the support of the fans, this year Creamfields confirmed the return to Hong Kong on 15 (Saturday) and 16 (Sunday) December with a bigger stage and stronger artists lineup, titled as the biggest electronic dance music festival in Hong Kong history two years in a row.
Venue and ticket info will be announced soon. Follow the below official pages for more details:
Creamfields Hong Kong Facebook Page
Creamfields Hong Kong Instagram
Live Nation Electronic Asia Official Website
Live Nation Electronic Asia Facebook
Live Nation Electronic Asia Instagram
About Creamfields
Creamfields is the world's leading dance music festival series, as well as the biggest in the UK featuring DJ performances and live acts. Since its inception in 1998, Creamfields has scooped many awards along the way, including Best Dance Event several years running in the UK Festival Awards and winning the prestigious Music Week Award for Festival Of The Year. It has been held in many countries all around the world, including the Europe, South America, North America, Middle East and Oceania. Over the past years, Creamfields attracts more than 3 millions of partygoers worldwide with record breaking numbers selling out months in advance.
2017 was the 20th anniversary of Creamfields, it was the first time in Asia in order to celebrate the event and successfully held in the regions. Hong Kong was the first stop held at AsiaWorld-Expo on 15 and 16 December and became the largest two-day indoor music festival in local history. After that, Creamfields landed in Dajia Riverside Park Taipei on 17 December. Creamfields’ lineup has always been a fusion of world-class artists featuring different styles. The heavyweights who participated in the Asia tour last year include Tiësto, DJ Marshmello, Above & Beyond, KSHMR, W&W, and many more.
After the great success of last year's Creamfields in Asia, a new chapter of China electronic music scene has been opened to Guangzhou, Chengdu, Beijing and Xiamen (22 September). Creamfields is set to take Chinese electronic music scene to the next level.
Important Notice
Anyone who breaks these rules can be refused entry or be asked to leave the site with no refund. Bag search is required - refusal will result in no admittance.
The programme information is for reference only. The organizer reserves the right to change programme information or schedule should unavoidable circumstances dictate;
You must provide your real name (as per ID or passport), full identification number during the purchase process;
This is a GA show, all tickets are standing. You must be aged 18 or above
height 140cm or above;
Maximum of 40 tickets per customer;
Each ticket admits one person only. A valid e-ticket must be presented for admission. The Organizer reserved the right to require the participant to produce a valid identification document;
To ensure a fast entry to the venue you must present your Photo ID or Passport (whichever you used to purchase your tickets initially on Universe). Please ensure your ID matches the name on your ticket. Bring your Photo ID, passport or a high resolution image of your passport photo page on your mobile device. To update the name on your ticket, click here:, you can't change the info once the QR code is being scanned or used,
Remember to download the new QR code after changing any details on your tickets;
Unauthorized duplication of this Ticket may prevent your admittance to the Event. Unlawful resale (or attempted) is ground for seizure or cancellation without refund or compensation;
NO Replacement for any loss of ticket and wristband;
Please ensure earliest arrival as possible to the venue to allow for the process of full security search;
All audiences are required to go through metal detector checking before entering the event hall;
Unauthorised photography, filming or recording is strictly prohibited in the event hall. Bag searches will be conducted prior to entering the event hall. Bags bigger than 15 inches X 12 inches as well as all professional cameras,GoPro cameras, video/ voice recorders, stools, folded chairs and long umbrella are not allowed in the event hall. Please place restricted article(s) at the Concierge or self-service lockers at the Ground Floor Level;
For safety reason, selfie stick and flag stick are prohibited;
Smoking is prohibited in venue;
No outside food and beverage is allowed in venue;
No drugs are allowed inside or outside the event hall;
Zero tolerance policy to illegal substances and drugs. Anyone suspected or found in possession will be escorted from the grounds and handed over to the Hong Kong police. Officers will also be actively searching for offenders;
Drink responsibly and in moderation;
No glass bottles, weapons, projectiles, lighters and aerosol cans are allowed inside the event hall;
No drones;
Selling or distributing unauthorized merchandise or other items is strictly prohibited;
No fireworks, pyro and laser device allowed;
Medical room will be located at the venue, and will be clearly marked and visible from afar. Trained EMTs will be on-hand in these tents to address any and all medical incidents, and please don’t be afraid to stop by a medical room – even if you just have a question. Additionally, if you see anyone at the festival who appears to be in need of medical assistance, please inform a member of our medical or security team, or even help him/her find their way to the medical room;
No ticket scalping;
No refunds will be issued unless the event is cancelled;
In case of ticket disputes, the decision of Live Nation Electronic Asia shall be final;
The organizer reserves the right to void the ticket if it is resold or used for any commercial purposes or association.
This listing has no upcoming events